History of Council 16938

Past Grand Knights

St. Bridget of Ireland was formed as a mission church of Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church in Winchester, VA in 1999.

On July 12 of 2017 Bishop Burbidge formally dedicated St. Bridget of Ireland Catholic Church as the 70th Parish in the Arlington Diocese and Monsignor Stanley Krempa as the pastor.

In 2018 Knights of Columbus Council 16938 was formed with Marc Guevremont as our Charter Grand Knight, John McMullen as our Charter Deputy Grand Knight, and George Darnell as our Charter Financial Secretary. The unwavering support of our District 18 Deputy, Dennis Godfrey was key to our success.

Monsignor Krempa retired as our pastor and chaplain at the end of June 2018 after many years of service. Father Paul Grankauskus became our 2nd pastor and chaplain.